Hot Honey

Hot Honey

My father-in-law’s old pop-up camper once sat out behind the barn. Then, several years ago, honeybees decided to move into it. They camped there, happy and undisturbed, for years.  That is, until we decided we needed to clean up and get rid of that old camper. Greg had a local beekeeper try to help him catch some of the bees, and they were successful at getting a hive or two started, but the bees never completely left the camper. As it turns out, all of those bees did not survive, and we never really learned much about beekeeping.

There is something about the farm that bees like, though, and it never failed; we would end up with bees moving into an empty hive just about every spring. We have had one hive here for a few years, hanging out and doing as they pleased. Greg never had the time to invest in them. 

This past spring, a local farmer called Greg about catching a swarm. That was what it took for Greg to be bitten by the beekeeping bug. Since then, he has cared for his bees like they are his babies and now has three hives.

He has finally harvested honey. It is by far the best honey I have ever had. But, of course, knowing those hard-working bees in the backyard made it makes it even better.

You may have noticed that hot honey is a new trend, and we decided to try some ourselves.  Oh my, why didn’t we think of this years ago? Hot honey is so yummy!! This recipe has to be the easiest recipe I have ever shared but is among my favorites. Try it on fried chicken, shrimp, pizza, hot biscuits, scones, or even steak. The possibilities are endless!

Hot honey will now be a staple at our house!

Hot Honey

Author Amye Melton


  • 1/4 cup honey
  • 2 teaspoons Sriracha hot sauce


  • Combine honey and Sriracha in a microwavable bowl. Microwave on high for a 10-15 seconds, just until hot.
  • Remove from microwave and cool slightly. Serve warm. Store in refrigerator.
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Hi, I'm Amye. I started Not Just Sunday Dinner in 2011 after moving back to Georgia. I grew up in North Georgia and have lived in different parts of Georgia most of my life. After living in Florida for five years we moved back to Georgia in the summer of 2009. I've always loved Georgia, but now Florida holds a special place in my heart as well. I have been married for 26 years to a wonderful man, Greg. We have two children, Wes, 21 years old and a third year college student, and Savannah, 18 years old and a freshman in college. Greg and I have started "dating" again. Since the kids only want to see us when they need money