Savannah’s Guide to the Perfect Charcuterie Board

I am a big fan of appetizers! We always plan an appetizer dinner for one night when we go camping. It’s also my favorite menu to plan when friends or family come over.

As my kids have grown older, it has become an unquestionable part of our Christmas tradition. Savannah’s charcuterie boards have been a hit for the past few years, and I am already looking forward to it this year.

Although it may sound simple, I have discovered that not everyone can make a beautiful board! Recently, I joined a charcuterie group on social media, which was quite a process. However, I was excited to join a group that promised to offer great ideas. Unfortunately, some members posted pictures of cubed cheese on a cutting board with nothing else.

On the other hand, Savannah’s boards are like art pieces and are always beautiful! Savannah likes to include a variety of meats and cheeses, fresh fruit, crackers or French bread, and even chocolate and nuts to please everyone’s taste buds.

You can make your board using ingredients that you and your family and friends will like. Here are some of Savannah’s favorites and tips: – Goat cheese drizzled with honey is a great addition. – Include at least one soft cheese. – Fig jam and pepper jelly are excellent. – Don’t slice the cheese too thin; you want a substantial slice for your bites. – Offer several options of meats, cheeses, and crackers. – Use a large board made of wood, ceramic, marble, etc., and make sure it is food-safe. – Savannah’s favorite shop for ingredients is Aldi.

Begin assembling the board with the meats and cheeses, then the crackers, and fill in with other extras like fruit, olives, pickles, jams, etc. Prepare your boards just before serving, but if you make them ahead, remove them from the fridge 30 minutes before guests arrive. Having family and friends help with the prep is always fun.

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Hi, I'm Amye. I started Not Just Sunday Dinner in 2011 after moving back to Georgia. I grew up in North Georgia and have lived in different parts of Georgia most of my life. After living in Florida for five years we moved back to Georgia in the summer of 2009. I've always loved Georgia, but now Florida holds a special place in my heart as well. I have been married for 26 years to a wonderful man, Greg. We have two children, Wes, 21 years old and a third year college student, and Savannah, 18 years old and a freshman in college. Greg and I have started "dating" again. Since the kids only want to see us when they need money