I am so excited for you to check out the new Not Just Sunday Dinner! The new-look makes me sooooo happy!

Not only is the new layout and colors easier on the eyes, but I think it is user-friendly.

I have found several posts with pictures that are a little blurry. I have made a list for “remake and retake”. Hopefully, I will have fresh, clear photos for them soon.

In the meantime, as you check out the new blog, please let me know if you see anything that I need to fix.

As always, thank you for visiting NJSD!


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Hi, I'm Amye. I started Not Just Sunday Dinner in 2011 after moving back to Georgia. I grew up in North Georgia and have lived in different parts of Georgia most of my life. After living in Florida for five years we moved back to Georgia in the summer of 2009. I've always loved Georgia, but now Florida holds a special place in my heart as well. I have been married for 26 years to a wonderful man, Greg. We have two children, Wes, 21 years old and a third year college student, and Savannah, 18 years old and a freshman in college. Greg and I have started "dating" again. Since the kids only want to see us when they need money